Lots of stuff to do

Computers, Programming Languages and Operating Systems

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Authorship is a funny thing. There are so many types of authorship, yet among them, there is no easy type of authorship. Authorship includes writing novels, writing non-fiction, writing computer programs, using martial art stances, playing chess and even conversations, yet they are all complex actions. Authorship, as I define it, is the process of creating something for a purpose. The reason it is complex is because we want to create something good. And so, a lot of thought has to go into it. This thinking is not the usual linear thinking we are accustomed to using, but a more complicated non-linear process, that takes into account a diverse range of information and tries to optimise a diverse range of criteria.

Yet in spite of this non-linear source of material, the end product, whether a novel or a chess game, will always be just a linear result. A novel will simply becomes some words tied together on a piece of paper. A program will eventually turn into a set of commands and names listed out. An idea invariably becomes written out and a game of chess will end up as a short script of moves. But what is below this trivial surface show of words, moves or stances, is the essential motions that are often unseen, but are critical to the success of the creation.

The starting of the process is intent. Intent is the purpose for even creating. This intent comes in layers - consider my intent to write this blog article. The first layer of intent is to express this idea. But beyond this intent, I also wish to interest you, to make you want to read more (the success of which is debatable), to make my ideas well known. At an even more fundamental level, it is my intent to just express anything. Not only does this intent come in layers, but it comes in shards - I may have many intents that are manifest in different ways throughout the article. The slightly formal tone is used to create a sense of knowledge, the conversational tone is used to engage. It is here that we are limited by the originality of our concepts.

The next level is the skill used to move the intent into plans. This skill determines how I convert the complex layer of intent, full of its internal contradictions, mutual exclusions and multiple aims into something that is essentially linear. It is also how I leverage my knowledge to best achieve my intent. In terms of computer programs, this step is the process of algorithm creation which is a balance between time-space complexities, between accuracy-complexity. In terms of conversations, we must decide on a presentation, on an ordering, on how to present seemingly objective facts to hide the true subjectivity of anything. It is here that we are limited by the granuality that we are able to recombine and synthesise techniques.

The final level is the carrying out, the implementation, where we take this plan and we realize it. It is here where all the physical limitations and problems that come with having an imperfect world comes into play.


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